



今天我们一起来学习一篇英文原文《Green light for pregnant women to have Covid jab》,这是4月17日英文报刊的一个头版文章。我们一起来看从这篇文章报道上,我们可以学习到哪些有用的单词、词组与句子。


Hundreds of thousands of pregnant women in Britain have been given the green light to receive a Covid vaccine, in a move welcomed by bereaved families and campaigners.pregnant 是怀孕的意思。bereaved families 丧失了亲人的家庭 bereave 使丧失亲友给..开绿灯 允许,这里用了give the green light to 的用法

文中第二段提到,鉴于美国9万孕妇已经接种了 Pfizer 或者Moderna 疫苗,且没有任何安全问题,英国也允许孕妇接种这两种疫苗。

All pregnant women will be offered the Pfizer or Moderna jab after realworld data from the US showed about 90,000 pregnant women had been vaccinated without any safety concerns, the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has said。

Immunisation 是免疫的意思

文中还提到,新的建议说明 要怀孕或刚生产完小孩或哺乳期的妇女都可以接种疫苗。

The new guidance states women who are trying to get pregnant, have recently had a baby or are breastfeeding can be given any jab, depending on their age and clinical risk group.

clinical risk 临床风险

有专家表示 There have been no specific safety concerns from any brand of Covid-19

vaccines in relation to pregnancy 对孕妇来说,没有接种疫苗特别要关注的风险

报道中也提到了一起悲剧,Ernest Boateng,的妻子在生产后,感染了新冠病毒并不幸去世。

Ernest Boateng, whose wife, Mary Agyeiwaa Agyapong , died after contracting coronavirus , days after giving birth, said he hoped the vaccine would prevent other families having to go through the pain he and his children had suffered

contract 感染。

专家也指出,We believe it should be a woman’s choice whether to have the vaccine or not after considering the benefits and risks 孕妇是否接种疫苗要依靠她们自己对接种后的风险与利益的评估考量。

文章也提到,这个变化对孕妇及关爱他们的另一半来说是个巨大的安慰,The news would come as a “great relief” to pregnant women and their loved ones,有些人建议,She called for the government to take a further step and prioritise pregnant women for vaccines . 应该制定计划让孕妇优先接种疫苗。

文中也表明,This must be dealt with carefully and compassionately as we begin to relax restrictions, 这件事要小心对待。compassionately 同情地,relax restrictions 放宽限制

研究表明, According to the RCOG , UK studies suggest pregnant women are no more likely to catch Covid than other groups 孕妇并不比其他人群更易得新冠病毒,但是But while the majority who do get the virus have mild symptoms, pregnant women may be at increased risk of having severe diseasemajority 大多数 mild symptoms 轻微症状,孕妇还是可能会有较高风险患上严重的疾病

这篇文章最后提到,现在对孕妇来说还缺乏大量的证据来证明,因为孕妇通常都被排除在临床试验之外,尽管现在已经有孕妇接受了疫苗。The lack of evidence was largely because pregnant women are often excluded from clinical trials, although some women became pregnant after receiving the jab .

excluded from clinical trials 排除在临床试验外。

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