



Choking---- First Aid 窒息急救法

Choking is a life-threatening medical emergency. It occurs the blockage of a foreign object in the throat or windpipe, resulting in blocking the airflow. The most common causes of choking are toy, food, coins, nuts or latex balloon, etc. Insufficiency oxygen will affect oxygen deprivation. Even if the oxygen stored in the blood circulation and lungs can keep the person alive for a couple minutes after stopping breathing, it will eventually cause death. If the body lasts three minutes without air, brain damage can occur. If breathing is not built-up within six to eight minutes, the person can die. Common signs and symptoms of choking include inability to talk, clutching of the throat or mouth, difficulty breathing or noisy breathing, gurgling, cough, cyanosis, and loss of consciousness.


First Aids 急救

The victims may present with partial or complete airway obstruction in the conscious or unconscious status. They may become agitated or panic as the first sign of airway obstruction. Reassure the victim and encourage them to cough. The management of choking victims is five back blows and, if unsuccessful, five chest thrusts.


Partial obstruction 部分气道受阻

---check the airway 检查气道情况

---encourage victim to cough 鼓励病人咳嗽

---initiate 5 back blows, followed by five chest thrusts; and 先做5组拍背法,再做5组胸部挤压。

---if the victim deteriorates, call the Ambulance Services 如果病人病情恶化,需要立即给急救中心打电话求助

Complete obstruction 完全气道受阻

---call for help, call the Ambulance Services 呼叫急救中心

---check the airway 检查气道情况

---if the victim is unconscious, follow the DRSABCD steps to resuscitate (basic life support). 如果病人无意识,遵循DRSABCD步骤进行救助(基础生命支持)(上篇文章已发表)

Back blow delivery method 拍背法

Using the heel of one hand to deliver a sharp blow in the middle of the back between the shoulder blades. Deliver up to five back blows, checking after each to see whether the previous blow has relieved the obstruction and if possible encourage the victim to cough. 一只手的跟部在病人背部的两侧肩胛骨中间用力一击。最多5次背部拍击,每拍击一次后需检查上一次拍击是否已解除阻塞了,如果有可能的话,鼓励病人咳嗽。

Positioning 体位

Adults: should remain standing unless already seated. 成人:除非已经坐着,否则需要保持站立。

Children: should remain standing unless already seated and may be supported by placing an arm around their front. 儿童:除非已经坐着,否则需要保持站立。可以将手臂放在他们的前面来做支撑。


Infants: Place infant with head downwards on your forearm. Support head and shoulders on your hand. Hold infant's mouth open with fingers. The infant is like a sandwich between your arms. 婴儿:将婴儿的头部向下放在你的手臂上。用你的手去支持婴儿的头部和肩部。用手指张开婴儿的嘴巴。这时,婴儿就像一个三明治一样夹在你的手臂之间。


If the back blows are unsuccessful proceed to chest thrusts and call for help. 如果拍背法无效,需要进行胸部挤压和呼叫寻求帮助。

Chest thrusts delivery method 胸部挤压法

Using the heel of one hand, apply a short, sharp upward thrust to the center of the chest. Deliver up to five chest thrusts, checking after each to see whether the previous thrust has relieved the obstruction


Positioning 体位

Adults or children: sit or stand against a firm support (eg: wall, chair back)。 成人/儿童:靠着坚硬的支撑坐着或者站着(比如:墙,椅子靠背)。

成人/儿童 胸部挤压法

Infants: should be placed so that they are facing upwards (supine position) along a rescuer's thigh or held in a cradle position against the upper torso, with their head supported. Place two fingers in the center of infant's chest. 婴儿:安置于仰卧位,面部朝上,放在你的大腿上或者将其抱住靠着上身,支撑头部。两个手指按压婴儿的胸部中间。



Healthcare Australia, viewed 20 April, 2020, https://services.healthcareaustralia.com.au.


未经允许不得转载: 九月健康网» 如何拯救一名窒息婴儿英文(新生儿窒息英语怎么说)
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