




1.become homeless变得无家可归

2.flood control and drought relief防汛抗旱

3.(buildings) fall down(房屋)倒塌

4.take an umbrella or raincoat带一把雨伞或一件雨衣

5.rebuild one’s homeland重建家园

6.last as long as over a month延续长达一个月

7.a sunny day阳光灿烂的一天

8.be covered with ice and snow被冰雪覆盖

9.be in ruins; fall into ruins成为废墟

10.(water and power supplies) be cut off(水电)被切断

11.send out rescue teams派出救援队

12.drop/fall to five degree below zero降到零下五度

13.weather forecast/report天气预报

14.donate/contribute money to sb.给某人捐款

15.return to normal 恢复正常

16.be destroyed in the hurricane在飓风中被毁坏

17.heavy showers强阵雨

18.sunny then cloudy/cloudy then rainy 晴转阴/阴转雨

19.be caught in a heavy rain遇上一场大雨

20.freezing cold/burning hot非常寒冷/炎热

21.rains cats and dogs/pouring rain倾盆大雨

22.(people) be killed in the flood/storm在洪水/暴风雨中遇难

23.cause great damage/economic losses造成巨大损失/经济损失

24.cause 13 deaths and 5 people missing造成13人死亡和2人失踪

25.with more than 200 people injured/missing有200多人受伤/失踪


1. All clouds bring no storms(亦作no rains). 即使乌云密布,未必一定下雨。

2. After a storm comes a calm weather.亦作 After black clouds comes clear weather.雨过天晴。

3. When dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass. 草上露珠闪,告别下雨天。

4. If bees stay at home, rain will soon come; if they fly away, fine will be the day.蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹。

5. Halo(晕) around the sun or moon, rain or snow soon. 日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。

6. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning. 早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。

7. A big earthquake hit Japan 130 kilometers off the northeast coast of Honshu Island.一次大地震袭击了日本本州岛东北130公里的地区。

8. The strong tsunami along with it had caused more than 4000 deaths and 8000 people missing.

大海啸 随之而来,引起了4000人死亡和8000人失踪。

9. But unfortunately, on arriving in Beijing, we were caught in yellow sandstorm.


未经允许不得转载: 九月健康网» 下雨有时候会引起洪水英文(大雨引发了洪水的英文)
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