



Warning. The safety of red light for the prevention and control of myopia needs to be fully evaluated.


Clinic studies have shown that Red Light Therapy can improve eyesight. Now, new findings that use a deep red light with a wavelength of around 670 nm to improve vision. Most RLT units allocate 50% of their LEDs for infrared radiation (IR) around 850 nm. It is belief because of the high power IR LEDs employed in RLT units and the close proximity to the eye these units may be a cause for concern. Eye experts warn that the practice has not been well studied in humans.This article will touch upon the benefits of RLT for the eyes but also focus on the concern of the IR radiation potentially damaging the cornea and lens of the eye.

Before red light can be considered as a possible treatment for eye conditions, it must be tested in human clinical trials to make sure it is safe and to determine the most effective wavelength, dose, duration of treatment and delivery method.



The Good Light

Electromagnetic radiation is characterized by its wavelength (or frequency) and its intensity. When the wavelength is within the visible spectrum (the range of wavelengths humans can perceive, approximately from 390 nm to 700 nm), it is known as "visible light".

Red light emits wavelengths of between 620-700 nm. Red and infrared light that falls within the wavelength range of 650-850 nm, that is extremely beneficial and is regarded as deep penetrating healing light therapy. These wavelengths of light are bioactive in humans, and affect the function of our cells.



Based on animal and insect studies scientists determine that red light at 670 nm may improve retinal sensitivity and color vision. Red light therapy achieves this outcome by improving the photoreceptor's mitochondrial performance. Some studies suggest that a specific part of the spectrum, such as red light, thickens the choroid and might ultimately prevent myopia. However, this has not yet been tested in children. How does this work? Some scientists think red light recharges the cell’s powerhouse or “battery,” known as the mitochondria. During a red light therapy treatment, chromophores within our cellular mitochondria absorb red and infrared light photons, and convert them into energy. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, responsible for making adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s form of energy, and enhancing the consumption of oxygen.

根据对动物和昆虫的研究,科学家们确定670纳米的红光可以提高视网膜的敏感度和色觉。红光疗法通过改善光感受器的线粒体功能来达到这一效果。一些研究表明,光谱的特定部分(例如红光)会使脉络膜变厚,最终可能预防近视。但是,这尚未在儿童中进行测试。红光的作用机理是怎样呢? 一些科学家认为红光会给细胞的动力库或“电池”充电,也就是线粒体。在红光治疗过程中,细胞线粒体内的发色团吸收红光和红外光光子,并将它们转化为能量。线粒体是细胞的动力源,负责产生细胞的能量—三磷酸腺苷(ATP),同时增加氧气的消耗。

Infrared Light Radiation

Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a type of radiant energy that's invisible to human eyes but that we can feel as heat. All objects in the universe emit some level of IR radiation.

Infrared radiationis divided into the following three bands:

IR‐A (near-infrared): 760 and 1,400 nm

IR‐B (mid-infrared): 1,400 and 3,000 nm

IR‐C (far-infrared): 3,000 nm and 1 mm




IR‐A(近红外):760和1400 nm

IR‐B(中红外):1400和3000 nm

IR‐C(远红外):3000 nm和1毫米

Near‐Infrared Radiation and Cataracts

The most common eye disease associated with near-infrared radiation is cataracts. Prolonged exposure to IR radiation causes a gradual but irreversible opacity of the lens. Other forms of damage to the eye from IR exposure include scotoma, which is a loss of vision due to the damage to the retina. Even low-level IR absorption can cause symptoms such as redness of the eye, swelling, or hemorrhaging.

Cataracts caused by near‐infrared radiation have been noted historically in glassblowers and furnace workers. Radiation between 800 and 1,200 nm is most likely responsible for temperature increases in the lens itself because of its spectral‐absorption characteristics. Visible wavelengths may also contribute to the problem, since the heat absorbed by the iris could result in heat transfer to the lens.




Red Light Therapy equipment is currently unregulated for power, wavelength and usage. Unless the manufacturer makes unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of RLT, they are not going to run afoul of FDA regulations.

It is important that certain safety precautions be implemented by the industry before government intervention. Government intervention which typically moves slowly but when it does moves, it moves broadly with unnecessary and ignorant regulation. The reason being is that regulations are heavily influenced by bureaucrats with fine art degrees, with little technical knowledge of the science behind what they are regulating.

One health issue RLT manufacturers ought to concern themselves with is the Infrared Radiation (IR) emitted in many RLT units. Typically IR radiation at this wavelength of 850 nm can not be seen. Therefore the normal reaction of the eye to intense light radiation, contraction of the pupil, is not initiated. The prominent medical concern is accumulative IR damage to the eye that may initiate cataracts in a 10-20 year time frame.




IEC-62471 Industry Standards

The lighting industry has standards upon which we can reference concerning LED light energy and safety.

According to the IEC standards, IR light at a wavelength of 850 nm light should not exceed 10 mW/cm² if exposure time will exceed 1000 seconds to be considered safe.

How does that fit in the real world?






If we examine IR in sunlight from 720nm to 2500 nm we obtain a power figure of 43.4 mW/cm².

According to the IEC-62471 standard sunlight fits in their Risk 1 category with a 100-second limit.

While people do not stare into the sun, sunlight hitting the eye will still exceed the 10 mW/cm² maximum set by IEC-62471. I don’t see people limiting their eye exposure to sunlight to < 100 seconds. So let’s just say the IEC-62471 is being overly cautious with their IR eye safety power estimates.





Practical RLT Devices

Practical high power RLT devices that utilize IR LEDs are going to radiate energy in the excess of 10 mW/cm² power limit. If you factor in how close one may hold their face (eyes) in proximity to the RLT device the power levels are even greater.

Lower power RLT units I have tested output 28 mW/cm² of IR radiation at a distance of 2–3 inches (50–75 mm).

High power RLT units may have triple that output power, bringing the output power to around 100 mW/cm² . That 10X more than the safety limit of the IEC standard.

Here are a few real light power measurements taken from a distance of 8–10 inches (200–250 mm)

Even at 10" we are well over the eye safety limit. If the head and eyes are moved closer to the IR light source the situation gets even worse.








The content and information contained in this article are for informational purposes only. The information provided in this article is not and must not be taken as an alternative to any advice by a doctor, physician, or medical professional.



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