





Yamulamba Pretorius
A White person can have black hair. The highest frequency of black-haired Whites is found in Southern European countries. For example among Italians, 31% are black-haired, though in Portugal, black hair is less common than in Italy. Nevertheless, black hair becomes less and less common as one reaches Northern European populations. For example less than 3% of the Dutch and Irish have black hair. Oftentimes, in Northern Europe, dark brown hair is called “black hair”. Dark brown hair isn’t black hair. Many Scottish, Irish who are said to be “black-haired”, actually are dark brown-haired!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Yamulamba Pretorius
Most of the dark hair in North, West, East Europe is dark brown not black.
Erick Freitas
There is no such thing as natural black hair. Even the blackest hair is just a very dark shade of brown.
José María Trevijano
To the Spanish-trained eye, it is evident most of those beautiful children pictured above in your comment with Nadal are from Northern Africa, of the Berber/Amazigh etnia and not Spanish kids.
Spanish children are mostly rooted in the pre-roman population of Europe, mostly the ancient non-Indo-Europeans population the Iberians and Basque plus the more recent Indoeuropean Celts.

In addition, there is since several centuries ago a minority rooted in India and fierce of their race and traditions that are the Gipsys, who entered into Europe about a millennia ago and who are also Spanish adding a lot to Spanish culture, mainly in music and dance with Flamenco. But you should not confuse Spanish Celtiberians either with Spanish Gipsies or with Berbers from Northern Africa. Or with any of the new arrivals of ethnic people from Africa or Asia that are entering into Europe, mainly from Muslim countries.
Then in Spain, there is a lot of sun during spring and summertime. We are social people who live outdoors not indoors or as if just leaving a hospital after a year, so we try to get our suntanned skin which we love once spring comes after winter, flooding beaches and mountains, as for us suntan skin is a healthier and much more attractive look than some kind of sick pale white skin color.
Below you will find more pictures of children of my region in Northern Spain, the Basque Country in wintertime. They are pale only due to winter festivities when the pictures were taken, except a couple of them. Under the Spanish sun, we get suntanned color acquiring our “perfect olive complexion” in a way people of Nordic countries cannot get (not sure about this because I have seen nordic people tanned as hell living in Spain’s Costa del Sol) as our skin melatonin allows it. In Southern Spain, there is sun most of the year so they remain suntanned but they are similar to the rest of the Spaniards, who are genetically one of the most homogeneous populations of Europe.

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