




迈克尔.麦耶霍夫(Michael K. Meyerhoff)

哈佛大学人类发展学博士,著名的Harvard PreschoolProject (哈佛早期教育项目)主要成员,为悦宝园首席顾问。麦耶霍夫博士发表过多部学术著作,其专业观点被《时代周刊》、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》等著名期刊广泛引用。麦耶霍夫博士在早教领域已拥有近五十年的研究经验,其研究成果为全球早期教育的研究奠定了基石。



Michael K. Meyerhoff: Your son is not cowardly but simply sensitive. And this is perfectly normal. Although his senses are functioning since birth, they will remain sensitive for much of the first year. That is why it is a good idea to keep things that relate to touch, sight, and sound soft and gentle in the beginning.




Michael K. Meyerhoff:At this age, children are psychologically compelled to test the limits of their newly discovered personal power. While it is important to let them know that they are respected, it also is important to let them know they are not the boss. So whenever you can, offer him appropriate choices instead of issuing direct instructions or requests. However, if he does not cooperate or if he defies you, let him sit or lie down as long as he wants but do not allow him to have his way. This may be difficult and unpleasant, but eventually he will learn that his stubborn behavior will not get him what he wants.




Michael K. Meyerhoff:It is not that her self-esteem is strong. On the contrary, it is delicate. At this age, children have first developed a clear sense of self. Consequently, they may experience intense negative emotions when they feel they are not respected. While you should never give in to requests that are inappropriate, you should try to help strengthen her self-esteem by praising her lavishly when she behaves properly. And you should advise family members that for the next few months they should avoid making fun of her or otherwise making her feel bad about herself.




Michael K. Meyerhoff: Relax and be patient. It takes babies a long time to adjust to the world. Keep giving her plenty of love and affection, and keep playing happily with her as much as you can. As the months go by, you will see her smiling more, starting to laugh, and returning the love and affection you are giving her.

麦耶霍夫博士: 不要紧张,要有耐心。宝宝需要花很久才能适应这个世界。你可以多给她爱和欢乐,用你的情绪感染她,并且尽可能多与她一起快乐玩耍。几个月之后,你会发现她变得更快乐了,更爱笑了,甚至开始将曾经你给她的爱和欢乐也传递给你。



Michael K. Meyerhoff: Literacy is extremely important so you want to make sure that reading books is always a pleasant experience and not a dreadful chore. Also, at this age, your child is developing a strong sense of independence so it is wise to let him do what interests and excites him as much as is possible and appropriate. You can offer him a variety of books, but let him choose which ones will be read. As he grows, his interests will expand, and you will eventually see him selecting books beyond those that are just sports related.



家有0~8岁宝宝的爸比妈咪们,你在教育方面遇到了什么问题?存在哪些育儿困惑?都欢迎留言给我们, 纽曼教授和麦耶霍夫博士会帮助大家解决各类教育难题~


未经允许不得转载: 九月健康网» 六个月婴儿平时不太爱笑(为什么六个月的宝宝不太爱笑)
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