




The space is tangible, yet also intangible: the former refers to the space that hands can touch and the scenery that eyes can appreciate; the latter represents the feeling in people’s hearts. As time goes on, when things gradually peel off their appearance and reveal their essence, what is left is often beautiful. Place oneself in this kind of space, and appreciate its color and texture, and one can experience a sense of serene melancholy and sublime atmosphere. As the impermanence of life teaches us, there is infinite satisfaction to be had in accepting transience and imperfection.

▼公寓客厅,the living room



▼改造后公寓空间轴测图,axon of the apartment after renovation

In space impermanence brings greater excitement. The space and the resident reach a tacit agreement and establish a balance to return to the core of a spiritual world. The owner is a director, whose career leads him pursue life and narrative to the fullest extent—from the rational aspects of creating a world in film to the emotional transformation of time and space—like nature, inclusive and impermanent.

The space originally had three bedrooms, two living rooms, and two bathrooms. Because there are more bearing walls and fewer possibilities for spacial reconstruction, emotion was prioritized and transferred to the space, returning it to a natural state, integrating serenity and scenery with some landscape, embellishing the space with poetic harmony. With light as a catalyst, the space is left to grow freely among the interplay of light and shadow.

▼公寓入口,设有玄关和走廊,墙壁上挂着颜色鲜艳的针织毯,the entrance of the apartment with a vivid rug on the wall

▼从客厅看入口空间,深灰色的柜体分隔空间,viewing the entrance space from the living room, the grey cabinets divide the spaces

空间的仪式感 | Sense of Ritual Space



▼客厅,不设天花灯,the living room without direct lighting

▼客厅局部,地台抬高后的阳台与客厅相融,partial view of the living room, the raised platform on the balcony connects to the living room

A sense of ritual in life depends on ceremony and celebration. The sense of ritual in space requires rational planning, respecting every square meter on the premises. A director, living alone, with few possessions and a high spiritual consciousness—these multiple identities and needs make the spatial arrangement ever clearer.

The layout structure maintains the the necessities, leaving one bedroom, while reconfiguring the rest as a walk-in closet and meditation room. One bathroom was removed to expand the dining room area and make space for an entryway, and the living room and dining room were combined to create a large, open space.

The resident is sensitive to direct lighting, so only four anti-glare LED’s are concealed in the ceiling, with indirect lighting for the rest. A special arc was sculpted to conceal light strips, disseminate the light, shape its angles, and interact with the in-ground well light and candlelight that reflects on the ethereal wooden wall. The natural light from the balcony and bedroom lamp are warm light that matches the spatial tonality. This soft and gentle ambiance contains great inner strength.

▼客厅局部,阳台上设有球形吊灯(左),佛龛静置于客厅一隅,玻璃盒体不断转换光源(右),partial view of the living room, the raised platform on the balcony is equipped with the spherical pendants (left), the Buddha is peacefully placed in the living room, the glass box constantly converting light sources (right)

空间的节奏感 | The Rhythm of Space


From the beginning of the entrance to the corridor, to the living room and the bedroom, the wall is shaped in turn as a cabinet or an arc. The cabinet is mostly used for storage at the entrance and bedroom. The arc wall defines the functionality of the space. Different materials, textures and shades, coupled with lighting instigate the impermanent flow of light and shadow, narrating the rhythmic shifts of the space.

▼从客厅向餐厅过渡,设置弧墙,the transition space from the living room to the dining room with an arc wall

▼弧墙界定了功能区,the arc wall defines the functionality of the space


The living room and dining room are open to each other. With warm light sources, the dining room highlights the rectangular black light fixture in front of a white canvas background with a sculpture it dialogues with. Colors contrast, and the artistic space is revealed. The exotic collections and ornaments that seem to be placed randomly, in fact, carry life memories and embellish the space. The design of the wooden grid and sliding door adds to the texture of the space. The divine energy consecrates the space and contributes to its rhythm. The Buddha is peacefully placed in the living room, the glass box constantly converting light sources, each refraction transcending and manifesting divinity.

▼客餐厅空间相互借景对话,开敞流动,the living room and dining room are open to each other

▼餐厅空间,配以暖光源,突出暗黑色十字支架,the dining room with warm light sources, highlighting the rectangular black light fixture

▼餐厅空间,与白色画布及雕塑相呼应,the dining room that dialogues with a white canvas background with a sculpture

▼餐厅空间局部,设置百叶窗,partial view of the dining room with louvers

空间的幸福感 | Sense of Happiness in Space


In harmony with nature, the raised platform on the balcony connects to the living room. The mountain rocks, moon lamp, sunshine, and books are harmoniously integrated, accentuating the owner’s spiritual longing. Time stops and space begins. Zen meditation or leisure reading provide peace of mind and freedom. All rooms use warm light, decorated with green plants, grilles, and blinds to articulate the unique sense of space. Wood, cotton, and linen fabrics—the presence of people, infused with vitality, diversity and change. Living here one practices non-attachment to chaotic daily life and experiences the tranquility of a sanctuary.

▼运用暖光的卧室,引入格栅百叶窗,the bedroom with warm light is decorated with blinds

▼卧室及其浴室,the bedroom and its bathroom

▼衣帽间,设有白色的棉麻织物,the cloakroom with white cotton and linen fabrics


What is home? Perhaps it is a journey of self-exploration on building our inner world, which varies from person to person. If you dedicate yourself to this journey, relax and return to your heart. You will know the truth.

▼禅房,the meditation room

▼禅房,引入绿植、格栅、百叶窗,诠释空间无一性,the meditation room decorated with green plants, grilles, and blinds to articulate the unique sense of space

▼禅房空间细节,details of the meditation room

▼改造后平面布置图,layout plan after renovation



项目设计 & 完成年份:2019年8月20日




灯光设计:DLLD Thomas 归伟斌






Project name: Sanctuary of the Soul


Project location: Nanjing

Project area: 130m²

Design company: UNI-X Associates

Designer: Pan Tianyun

Designer team : Zhou Yue, Zhan Wei

Lighting design: DLLD Thomas Gui Weibin

Main materials: Flooring, tiles, topciment coatings, micromarmo flooring, wood products

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