



Unit1 In class答案


1. 在上课in class

2. 起立stand up

3. 坐下sit down

4. 开门open the door

5. 进来come in

6. 关窗close the window

7. 看黑板look at the blackboard

8. 听老师讲listen to the teacher

9. 早上好good morning


1. 同学们,下午好。 Good afternoon, class.

2. 请打开书本。Please open the book(s). Open the book(s), please.

3. 对不起,格林先生。I’m sorry, Mr Green.

4. 请关上盒子。Please close the box. Close the box, please.

5. 这是什么?What’s this?

6. 它是一个机器人。It’s a robot.

7. 不要听鹦鹉讲的!Don’t listen to the parrot.

8. 鲍勃有两本大大的书。Bob has two big (big) books.

9. 打开你的书本,说“你好”。Open your book and say “Hello!”

10. 合上你的书本,我们走吧。Close your book and off we go!


1. look at 例:1. Look at the jacket. 2. Look at me. 3. Look!This is my new skirt.

练习:1. Look A. at my new book. 2. Look B. /(不填) ! I have a nice pencil.

A. atB. /(不填)

2. listen to 例:1. Listen to the parrot. 2. Listen to the teacher. 3. Listen!That’s dad’s car.

练习:1. Listen E. to the music.2. Listen B. /(不填) ! The bird is singing.

3. Don’t C. listen to Mike. 4. Please D. look at me.

A. atB. /(不填)C. listenD. look E. to


10 ( A ) A. my B. I C. he D. you

人称代词和物主代词 my 我的(物主代词), I我 he他 you你 (人称代词)

七 1. ( B )It’s so hot (热的).______ the window, please.

A. Close B. Open C. Stand

2. ( A )The box is for you. _______ it and see!

A. Open B. Close C. Look

4. ( C )I’d like an ice cream.___________ the fridge(冰箱), please.

A. Close B. Look at C. Open


5. ( B )Don’t _______ to Mike.

A. lookB. listenC. open

能和to搭配的词,这里是listen to

九 2. your, close, look, and, the, book, blackboard, at (.)

Close your book and look at the blackboard.

5. please, the, listen, teacher, to (.)

Please listen to the teacher.


Unit 2 In the library 答案


1. 在图书馆in the library

2. 想要(2个词)=想要(1个词)would like=want

3. 吃我的蛋糕eat my cake

4. 喝你的牛奶drink your milk

5. 我的英语书your English book

6. 你的书your book

7. 上上下下up and down

8. 想睡觉want to sleep

9. 想说话want to talk

10. 上课睡觉sleep in class

11. 和朋友交谈talk to your friend


1. 不要大喊大叫。Don’t shout.

2. 不要说话。Don’t talk.

3. 不要在这里吃(东西)。Don’t eat here.

4. 不要在这里跑。Don’t run here.

5. 不要在课上喝(水)。Don’t drink in class.

6. 不要吃那个鸡蛋。Don’t eat that egg.

7. 不要喝这牛奶。Don’t drink the milk.

8. 你想要一颗糖吗?Would you like a sweet?

9. 它是我的英语书。It’s my English book.

10. 保罗正上上下下走。 Paul is walking up and down.

11. 我想跳舞。I want to dance.


1. 祈使句(动词开头的句子),及其否定句。

例:1. Open the door. (改成否定句) 2. (Please) open the window. (改成否定句)

Don’t open the door. Don’t open the window, please.

练习:1. Talk to your friend. (改成否定句)2. Please close the door. ((改成否定句)

Don’t talk to your friend. Don’t close the door, please.

2. 想要would like, 想要want

例:I would like a new pencil.(改同义句)2. Would you like an orange?

I want a new pencil. Do you want an orange?

练习:1. I would like a hot dog.2. Would you like some juice?

I want a hot dog.Do you want some juice?


四 1. Don’t shout here. B. I’m sorry.

六 5. Close your book (合上你的课本), Yang Ling.


七 2. ( B ) Don’t _______ the window. It’s cold (冷).

A. close B. openC. shout

6. ( C ) Don’t _______ my juice (果汁).

A. eatB. talkC. drink

7. ( A )Please _______ in the playground (操场).

A. runB. eatC. sleep


七( B )3. _______ to your friend, please.

A. ShoutB. TalkC. Eat

八 3. Don’t ____ (talk/shout) to your friend in class.

能和to搭配的词,这里是talk to。 talk to your friend和你的朋友说话。

七 4. ( A )I’d like ______.

A. some milk B. some pie C. some sweet

可数名词复数+s, 不可数名词不能加s

九1. Open the window, please. (改为否定句)

Don’t open the window, please.

2. Don’t talk to your friend, Helen. (改为肯定句)

Talk to your friend, Helen.

3 .Would you like an ice cream? (作肯定回答)

Yes, please.

4. Close the door, Wang Bing. (改为反义句)

Open the door, Wang Bing.

5. This is my English book. (改为一般疑问句)

Is this your English book?

Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 答案


1. 你的铅笔盒 your pencil case

2. 我的书包 my bag

3. 我的午餐盒 my lunch box

4. 在那里 over there

5. 给你(2个词) for you

6. 在门边 beside the door

7. 在地板上 on the floor

8. 这个大蛋糕 this big cake

9. 那个红色的机器人 that red robot

10. 一支绿色的钢笔 a green pen


1. 这不是我的铅笔。This is not my pencil. 或This isn’t my pencil.

2. 那是你的铅笔吗? Is that your pencil?

3. 是,它是的。 Yes, it is.

4. 不,它不是的。 No, it isn’t.

5. 那是我的橡皮。 That is my rubber.

6. 它是一把尺。 It is a ruler. 或 It’s a ruler.

7. 这是我的午餐盒吗? Is this my lunch box?

8. 你的午餐盒在哪里? Where is your lunch box? 或Where’s your lunch box?

9. 它在那里。It is over there. 或 It’s over there.

10. 它是什么? What is it? 或 What’s it?

11. 这个给你。This is for you.

12. 谢谢!Thank you. 或 Thanks.

13. 一个红色的机器人有一把尺和一块橡皮。A red robot has a ruler and a rubber.

14. 它在地上,刚好在门边。It is / It’s on the floor, just beside the door.


1. this 指处,that 指处。两个词均指单数

2. 句型转换:含be动词的陈述句



例句:She is a student



She is not a student.

或 She isn’t a student.



my 变成your

Is she a student?

肯定回答:Yes, she is.

否定回答:No, she isn’t.

练习: He is a tall boy. It is my pencil.

否定句:_He is not/isn’t a tall boy. __It is not/isn’t my pencil._ _

一般疑问句:_Is he a tall boy?___________ ___Is it your pencil?__________

肯定回答:__Yes, he is. _______________ _____Yes, it is._______________

否定回答:__No, he isn’t.______________ ____No, it isn’t.______________


1. 选不同类的单词:

( A ) A. my B. I C. you

注释:my:我的 I:我 you:你(们)。只有my是形容词性物主代词,所以选my.

2. 翻译:on the floor___在地上______________________

3. 选择:

( B )What colour ___________ the T-shirts?

A. am B. are C. is


4. 连词成句:school, to, to, time, it, go, is(.)

It is time to go to school._________________________

5. 补全单词:teacher sister doct_or____

worker bird n_ur____se

6. 完成句子:I _would like或 want____(想要) a red skirt.

Unit 4 Where is the bird? 答案


1. 在你的书桌下面 under your desk

2. 在门后面 behind the door

3. 在你的椅子上 on your chair

4. 在我的课桌里 in my desk

5. 在树上(外来) in the tree

6. 在树上在(长在树上) on the tree

7. 在你的书包里 in your bag

8. 飞走 fly away

9. 一只小鸟 a little bird

10. 所有的她的朋友 all her friends

11. 站在他的课桌上 stand on his desk

12. 做我的朋友 be my friend


1. 多漂亮啊! How beautiful!

2. 看!一只小鸟! Look! A bird!

3. 小鸟在哪里?Where’s the bird?

4. 它在你的桌子下面。It’s under yourdesk.

5. 现在它在门后面。 Now it’s behind the door.

6. 它不在这儿。它在哪儿呢? It’s not here. Where is it?

7. 它在你的椅子上!It’s on your chair!

8. 它在我的课桌里。 It’s in my desk.

9. 现在它在树上了。Now it’s in the tree.

10. 它在你的铅笔盒里吗?Is it in your pencil

11. 不,它不在。No, it isn’t.

12. 给你。Here you are.

13. 不要飞走。Don’t fly away.

14. 站在我的课桌上,做我的朋友,好吗?Stand on my desk and be my friend, OK?

15. 她的朋友们在哪里?Where are her friends?

16. 这只小鸟和她所有的朋友们,他们都在树上了。

This little bird and all her friends, they are all in the tree.


1. 地点方位词:in 在……里面 on 在……上面(有接触)

under 在……下面 behind 在……后面

2. 询问地点:选择疑问词where

例: Where is the bird?


练习:你哥哥在哪里? 我的午餐盒在哪里?

_Where_ _is__ your brother? _Where__ is my lunch box?

3. 对划线部分提问(正确使用疑问词)

例:The book is over there. 2. The bird is on the chair

Where is the book?. Where is the bird?

练习:1. The book is under the desk. 2. It’s in the tree now.

__Where ___is__ the book? __Where____ is it now?


1. 听…… ___listen to______

2. fly away __飞走______

3. ( B )--What’s this? --_______ an elephant.

A. This is B. It ‘s C it is

注释:1. What’s this/that?的回答均要用It’s 来回答。

4. It is a new schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

___Is_ ___it__ a ___new_ __schoolbag______? _No____, it __isn’t_____.

注释: 含有be动词的陈述句在改一般疑问句时,不需改动原句中的词语,只需将be动词提前即可。

5. The bird is on your chair. (改为否定句)

The bird __isn’t__ __on___ your chair.

6. The book is over there.

__Where’s______ the __book_____?


7. 你的哥哥在哪里?他在电影院里。(中译英)

___Where’s_____ your brother? He’s __in___ ___the____ _cinema_____.

8. 天太冷了。不要开门窗。

It’s cold. ____Don’t___ __open____ the ___door___ and the _window_____.

9. ----______Where is it_________? ---It’s in the schoolbag. (根据句子相对应的写出问句或答句。)

Unit 5 How old are you? 答案


1. 给你 here you are

2. 一个漂亮的蛋糕 a nice cake

3. 许愿 make a wish

4. 是该……的时候了 It’s time for…

5. 生日快乐 Happy birthday.

6. 转圈 turn round

7. 摔倒在地上 fall to the ground

8. 进来 come in

9. 关门 close the door

10. 该上课了 time for class

11. 上课迟到 be late for class

12. 从二到十一 from two to twelve


1. 多可爱啊! How lovely!

2. 他几岁了? How old is he?

3. 这个是给你的。This is for you.

4. 给你。 Here you are.

5. 你是对的. You’re right.

6. 你出局了。You’re out.

7. 多漂亮的一个蛋糕!What a nice cake!

8. 我想要一个玩具小汽车。I want a toy car.

9. 该吃蛋糕了。It’s time for the cake.

10. 不要摔倒在地上。Don’t fall to the ground.

11. 该上课了,但你却迟到了。Time for class, but you’re late.

12. 不要再上学迟到了。Don’t be late for class again.

13. 你呢?What about you?

14. 我能从一数到十。I can count from one to ten.


1. 数字:1-10 需要注意拼写的有:

two 二 three 三

2. want + 名词 want to +动词

例: I want a robot. I want to eat.

我想要一个机器人。 我想要吃东西

3. 询问年龄:选择疑问词 how

例: How old are you ? How old is your little sister?

你多少岁了? 你妹妹多少岁了?

练习:你哥哥多大? 你多大了?

_How_ old_ are your brother? ___How___old__ are you?


1. right 对应词 ___wrong______

2. late 对应词 ____early_______

3. would like 同义词 ____want________

4 ( B )----How old ____ your little sister, Mike?

----She’s seven.

A. are B is C am

注释:your little sister为主语,应用第三人称单数is。

5. ( C )----The flowers ____ for you. ----Thank you.

A. am B is C are

注释:flowers为复数, 后要用are

6. ( B )Welcome _____ Toy Museum!

A for B to C with

注释: welcome to 固定搭配。

7. ( B )Let’s count _______ one ____ ten.

A. with; to B. from; to C. from; with


8. ----How old __is__ he? ----He __is__ ten. (be )

注释:he 为第三人称单数,be动词用is

9. ----Happy Birthday! __Make____ a wish! ----I __want___ a toy car.

10. 你弟弟几岁? 他十岁。

___How__ __old______ __is_____ your brother? He __is___ ten.

Unit 6 What time is it? 答案


1. 醒醒 wake up

2. 几点钟 what time

3. 七点 seven o’clock

4. 早餐时间 time for breakfast

5. 上课时间 time for class

6. 晚餐时间 time for dinner

7. 上床睡觉时间 time for bed

8. 我的书 my book

9. 上学迟到 be late for school


1. 现在是十一点钟了。It is/ It’s eleven o’clock now.

2. 快点! Hurry up!

3. 你的包在我这里!Here is/ Here’s your bag!

4. 我的铅笔在哪里?Where is my pencil? 或 Where are my pencils?

5. 这些是什么?是新的钢笔。What are these? They are/ They’re new pens.

6. 吃饭时间到了。It is/ It’s time to eat.

7. 见面时间到了。It’s time to meet.

8. 不要迟到。Don’t be late.

9. 早饭准备好了。Breakfast is ready.

10. 那是我的包。That is my bag.

11. 该是说再见的时间了。It is time to say goodbye.


1. What time is it? = What is the time?

2. It’s … o’clock. …点整。




It’s time for sth.

It’s time for lunch.


It’s time to do sth.

It’s time to have lunch.


It’s time for sb to do sth.


It’s time for you to have lunch.


1. 音近词: bed与bad; Harry与hurry; bag与bug; this与these

2. ( C ) It’s time _________ have lunch.

A. for B. / C. to

注释:关键词是have, 它是动词,所以前面用to

3. ( B ) I get up __________ six o’clock every morning.

A. in B. at C. /


4. ( C ) It’s time ________ us to have dinner now.

A. to B. at C. for

注释:根据句式It’s time for sb to do sth, 这里关键词是us,我们,前面用for

5. 用for和to填空:It’s time __to___ have our PE lesson.

It’s time __for___ home.

6. 连词成句:the, what, time, is (?)

__What is the time?___________________

a, to, ten, quarter, it’s (.)

__It’s a quarter to ten.______________

Unit7 On the farm 答案


1.在农场上 on the farm

2.来自农场 from the farm

3.这只奶牛 this cow

4.这些奶牛 these cows

5那只鸭子 that duck

6.那些鸭子 those ducks

7.一些黄梨 some yellow pears

8.十一只鸡 eleven chickens

9.看…… look at…

10.给他的妈妈 for his mum

11.在我的椅子下面 under my desk


1.很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you.

2.欢迎来到我的农场 Welcome to my farm.

3.这些/那些是什么? What are these/those?

4.它们是猪。 They are pigs.或They’re pigs.

5.这些是苹果吗? Are these apples?

6.是的。它们是苹果. Yes. They are apples.

7.不。它们是梨。 No. They are pears

8.看我的图画(复数)。Look at my pictures.

9.这是谁? Who’s this?


Clever Tom from the farm, makes ice cream for his mum.

11.在树下的那些是什么?What are these under the tree?


1. these 指处,those 指处。两个词均指复数

2. 一般疑问句(Yes/No question),及其肯定回答和否定回答。

例:These are pears.

一般疑问句:Are these pears?

肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren’t.

【注意:Yes, they are.不能缩写成Yes, they’re.】

3. 英语名词单数变复数主要有以下规则:


例:friend →friends; cat →cats;


例:dress →dresses; box →boxes; peach→peaches


例:strawberry →strawberries; baby →babies; butterfly →butterflies


例:tomato →tomatoes; potato →potatoes


例:man →men; woman →women; child →children



orange→ _oranges___ mango→ _mangoes__

fly → _flies___ butterfly →__butterflies__

man →__men_____ child → __children_____



这些奶牛 _these cows____ 一些红苹果 __some red apples___

那些鸭子 _these ducks__ under your desk __在你的桌下____


( ×)pear /ɛə/ ear /iə/


this(复数形式) __these___ that(复数形式) __those__

on(反义词) __under______ it (复数形式) __they___

Unit8 We’re twins!


1. 我的叔叔 my uncle

2. 他的阿姨 his aunt

3. 我的表兄 my cousin

4. 我的新书 my new book

5. 在门后 behind the door

6. 那些可爱的女孩 those lovely girls

7. 我的名字 my name


1. 她是谁? Who is she?或Who’s she?

2. 她是我的婶婶。 She is my aunt.或She’s my aunt.

3. 那个女孩是谁? Who is that girl?或Who’s that girl?

4. 这是谁? Who is this?或Who’s this?

5. 这是我的奶奶。 This is my grandma.

6. 我们是双胞胎。 We are twins.或We’re twins.

7. 这是你的爸爸吗?Is this your father?

8. 这是我的表兄。 This is my cousin.

9. 那个小男孩是谁?Who is that little boy?或Who’s that little boy?

10. 他的猫和老鼠也很小。His cat and mouse are also small.


特殊疑问句who is…?及其回答。

例:--Who is she? --She is my aunt.

练习:He is Mike.(对划线部分提问)

_Who is he?或Who’s he?___

【比较】He is a doctor. (对划线部分提问)

__What is he?或 What’s he?_




那个小女孩 _that little girl___ 在门后 __behind the door__


he, not, is, tall, very (.)

___He is not very tall._____


I(宾格) _me______ up(对应词) down_______

don’t(完整形式)_do not______ hi(同义词)__hello________


(× )baby thank

(× ) twin is

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