



Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in Growing Up



Stepping into the second half of the year, time seems to have fast forwarded, even the temperature dropped overnight. I called my family two days ago, telling them that Beijing has gone from hot summer into chilling autumn abruptly, without any transition.

forward adv.向前;朝前;向前进;迈向成功

adj. 向前的;朝前的;与将来有关的;鲁莽的;冒失的;放肆的

n. 前锋;期货协议

v. 转递;促进;推进;递交;送;运送

chilling adj.寒冷的;令人恐惧的;呱呱叫的;令人寒心的

n. 寒冷;寒心;扫兴;寒意



There was no gap between my jobs as well. I was in a sweatshirt when I left Beijing for Paris at the end of September. In a flash, I was in a jacket on my way to Los Angeles from Paris. Not long after, I was on the plane back to Paris again. Jet lags, coldness and allergy made me feel a little dizzy. I could not remember the change of scenery and temperature. The only thing left in my mind was the endless daytime.

flash v. 闪耀;突然显示;闪过;掠过;飞驰;炫耀;使闪耀

n. 闪耀;闪烁;突发之物;闪现之物;闪光灯

adj. 奢华的;浮华的;俗艳的;招摇的;盗贼的;切口的;黑话的;艳俗的

allergy n. 变应性;过敏;反感;憎恶



Other than traveling, my time is filled with various plans: training for new movie, gyming, practising oral English, and also songs for my birthday concert. Probably the smoothest job was to compose a song. I like to wake up early and sit by the window, watching the sunrise while flipping my notebook. Memories flow, and emotions accumulated for a long time are transmitted to the tip of my pen. Every melody I compose is telling the stories of mine, and every note I write is expressing my emotions. It seems that it is more fulfilling to compose a song with naturally expressed emotions than those imaginary ones.

flipping adj. 该死的;讨厌的

飞行之外,时间被各种计划占满:集训、健身、学口语,还要练习生日会的歌曲。最顺利的工作大概就是写歌了,早起坐在窗台边,看着天色破晓,一页又一页地翻着记事本。记忆涌来,积攒许久的情绪传到笔尖,每一段旋律都在颁诉,每一个音符都是表达。看来,情感自觉流露时写出的作品,永远比“为 赋新词强说愁”有成就感。


The more experiences I have, the more emotions and thoughts I can reciprocate to the outside. In the past two months, I have spent most of my time training in Los Angeles to prepare for my new movie. The training was enriching and packed: I practised my lines and oral English in the morning; I did boxing, battle rope, and physical training in the afternoon; I also added a music theory course at night. Although I was exhausted, the power has been constantly accumulated in my body.

reciprocate v. 互给;互换;交换;往复运动;回报;报答;酬答



Many people could not understand the long training time, but I think it was very normal. As an actor, talent is one thing, experience and learning are more important. Daily life helps actors to characterize trivial details, troubles and pain help actors to interpret their emotions better, and an actor’s perception about his own experience will gradually integrate into the soul of the character and finally become a unique shining point—— this is the charm of performing art. I really enjoy the process of accumulating experience, be it in musical, performance, or ideologically.

trivial adj. 琐碎的;无价值的;不重要的;务小的;浅薄的;平凡的

perception n. 感知能力;认识能力;感知;看法;感觉;认识;感受;观念;印象;直觉



Day after day, those that seem to be uneventful will suddenly make people realize the meaning of persistence one day.

uneventful adj. 平静的;无惊人事件的;常规的



Nearing my 18-year-old birthday, everyone was asking about my expectation of adulthood, and what will change when I turn 18. I think this kind of change should be subtle. It is the qualitativechange led by the quantitative one after a long dormant period. Although I still cannot handle things entirely by myself, I know those experiences I had, those clumsy but slow steps I took, will make my life more independent and colorful; those perseveranceand daily improvements, those physical and psychological scars, will become my strength to fight on.

qualitative adj. 质的;性质的;质量的;描述性质的

quantitative adj. 量的;用数量表示的;定量的;由长短步组成的

clumsy adj. 笨拙的;笨手笨脚的;手脚不灵活的;毫无技巧的;不圆滑的;难处理的;难使用的;不老练的

perseverance n. 坚持不懈;锲而不舍;毅力

psychological adj. 心理的;精神的;心理学的;心理上的



Learn to be slower, be more patient, and do things step by step. I believe this is the most solid way to realize my dream.


(All author's remuneration goes to Yuan Fund to support charity.)


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