




What is the best way to stay fit?

Sean Kernan
I'd just gotten home from work.
My head hurt. I had the energy of an anemic slug.
My arms were sore from a previous workout. The only thing I wanted in the world was to lie on the couch, eat popcorn, and take a nap.
But I still went to the gym.
90% of staying in shape is saying no to other things.

Rebecca Hallie, Construction Project Estimator (2012-present)
This answer is going to appeal to my fellow ultra-lazy, low-motivation people.
Those who die inside when we hear “go to the gym 5 days a week.”
Scale back your portions. Cutting calories doesn’t have to mean eating kale salad all day or skipping meals. When you’re making your plate, start by taking maybe two-thirds or half of what you would normally take. Fill up more on lower calorie foods, like vegetables or fruit, and scale back on heavier starches and pasta. Practice eating until you’re satisfied, not until you’re groaning in pain and unbuttoning your jeans under the table.
Water, water, and more water. Swap any beverage with water whenever possible, especially carbonated drinks and alcohol. You won’t lose weight pounding back sodas and beers every day, but you might while drinking water. Water too boring by itself? Squeeze some fruit juice in there.
Walk. Walking feels like no effort, but it can do wonders for trimming down stubborn fat. If you have a desk job, get up and walk around as much as you possibly can. Take a quick walk around the block on your lunch break, or right after dinner. Leave yourself extra time to walk to the train station instead of taking the bus there. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Park far away from the store entrance. Restaurant within a few blocks of home? Ditch the car and walk!
Keep diet and exercise goals realistic. Start small. Don’t shock your body into a rigorous exercise routine you’re not used to, or a near-starvation diet out of desperation. You’re more likely to just get frustrated and give up entirely. Work your way up to where you want to be. If taking an hour bike ride once a week is where you want to start, that’s okay. If you want to start your diet by only drinking soda once a week instead of every day, that’s okay, too. Success little by little is much more likely to keep you motivated than pushing yourself too hard.
Srishti Stempert, PhD student Oncology
Thanks for the A2A.
My focus on fitness started as a self-preservation tactic. The past few years have been extremely stressful for me for a variety of reasons. At my lowest, I lost the will to interact with anyone or do anything.
Hitting the gym for me, was the one thing that saved me. It started as a goal that I set for myself so that I would be forced to have some human interaction and get out of my room.
Today, I am proud to say that I focus on my fitness much more than I have ever had. It makes me feel extremely healthy, inside and outside. I do not have much time to spare in my day so it’s a pretty simple fitness routine:
I aim to work out at least 3 times a week. At the gym, I avoid cardio and focus on weight training as I love the rush that I get as I gradually go higher on the weight. I am not a PRO by any standards. Just a lean girl who barely has any muscles. However, I do take pride in lifting/pushing the weights I do and I view it as a competition with myself. I have been weight training regularly for only a couple of weeks but I love the lifestyle.
See the encircled text here? I have chicken legs so I was mightly pleased that just after capturing this moment, I switched to 170 pounds! This weight might or might not be impressive to you but it is all about seeing the upward curve on your growth chart, no matter where you start at.
2) I walk everywhere I can. Now I would not recommend this if one was in Beijing or Delhi as the air will do more harm than good. However, here in the states, I try to incorporate at least 20 minutes of walking into my everyday schedule. I do not take out time for this especially, but just opt to walk instead of, let’s say take a shuttle, for short distances.
3) Water. Drink like a fish. I drink a lot of water. I like water. I enjoy the taste (or lack thereof). Sounds stupid I know but water is one of my favorite drink. It just makes me feel hydrated and happy.
4) I drink herbal tea every night (decaff). Every night before going to bed, I have a cup of hot herbal tea. First, it makes me feel as if I am cleansing my digestive tract, Secondly, it helps me with getting sounder sleep.

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